The seed that draws in the amplest assortment of birds, thus the backbone for most lawn bird feeders, is sunflower. Different assortments of seed can assist with drawing in various sorts of birds to balance your patio guests.

As a general rule, combinations that contain red millet, oats, and other "fillers" are not appealing to most birds and can prompt a great deal of waste as the birds sort through the blend.


There are two sorts of sunflower dark oil and striped. The dark oil seeds ("oilers") have exceptionally slim shells, simple for basically all seed-eating birds to air out, and the parts inside have a high fat substance, incredibly significant for most winter birds.

Striped sunflower seeds have a thicker shell, a lot harder for House Sparrows and blackbirds to air out. So on the off chance that you're immersed with species you'd prefer not to sponsor at your dark oil sunflower, before you do anything more, have a go at changing to striped sunflower.

Feeding Birds: a Quick Guide to Seed Types

Individuals living in lofts or who experience difficulty raking up seed shells under their feeders frequently offer shelled sunflower. Many birds love this, as obviously do squirrels, and it's costly.

Without the security of the shell, sunflower hearts and chips rapidly ruin, and can hold onto hazardous microorganisms, so it means quite a bit to offer something like can be eaten in a little while.

Sunflower is extremely alluring to squirrels, an issue for individuals who don't wish to sponsor them. A few sorts of squirrel puzzles, and a few specific feeders, are genuinely great at barring them.

Sunflower in the shell can be presented in a wide assortment of feeders, including plate, tube feeders, containers, and acrylic window feeders. Sunflower hearts and chips ought not be presented in tube feeders where dampness can gather.


Safflower has a thick shell, difficult for certain birds to air out, yet is a #1 among cardinals. A few grosbeaks, chickadees, pigeons, and local sparrows likewise eat it. As per a few sources, House Sparrows.

European Starlings, and squirrels could do without safflower, yet in certain areas appear to have fostered a preference for it. Cardinals and grosbeaks will quite often incline toward plate and container feeders, which settles on these feeders a decent decision for offering safflower.

Nyjer Or Thistle

Little finches including American Goldfinches, Lesser Goldfinches, Indigo Buntings, Pine Siskins, and Normal Redpolls frequently eat up these small, dark, needle-like seeds. As obtrusive thorn plants turned into a perceived issue in North America.

We providers moved to a daisy-like plant, known as Guizotia abyssinica, that creates a comparable kind of little, sleek, rich seed. The plant is presently known as niger or nyjer, and is imported from abroad. The seeds are heat-cleaned during importation to restrict their possibility spreading while at the same time holding their food esteem.

White Proso Millet

White millet is a #1 with ground-taking care of birds including quails, local American sparrows, pigeons, towhees, juncos, and cardinals. Tragically it's likewise a number one with cowbirds and different blackbirds and House Sparrows.

Which are now financed by human exercises and upheld at unnaturally high populace levels by current horticultural practices and territory changes. At the point when these species are available, it's smartest to not utilize millet; essentially every one of the birds that like blacking oil sunflower are similarly drawn in.

Bird Feeder Problems: Sunflower Seed Toxins And Its Effect On Plant Growth  | Gardening Know How

Since white millet is so liked by ground-taking care of birds, it's generally expected dissipated on the ground — a phenomenal practice insofar as no more is set out than birds can eat in a day. Low-set plate feeders with phenomenal waste can be a generally excellent decision for white millet, as well.

Shelled And Cracked Corn

Corn is eaten by grouse, birds, turkeys, quails, cardinals, grosbeaks, crows, ravens, jays, pigeons, ducks, cranes, and different species. Sadly, corn has two difficult issues. In the first place, it's a #1 of House Sparrows, cowbirds, starlings, geese, bears, raccoons, and deer none of which ought to be sponsored by us.

Second, corn is the bird food probably going to be debased with aflatoxins, which are very poisonous even at low levels. Never purchase corn in plastic packs, never permit it to get wet, never offer it in sums that can't be consumed in that frame of mind during stormy or exceptionally damp climate, and be scrupulous about raking up old corn.

Never offer corn shrouded in a red color. Corn expected for planting is frequently treated with fungicides, set apart with red color as an advance notice. It is profoundly poisonous to people, animals, and all birds.

Never offer buttered popcorn or any sort of microwave popcorn. Popped corn ruins rapidly. Corn ought to be presented in genuinely modest quantities all at once on plate feeders. Try not to offer it in tube feeders that could hold onto dampness.


Peanuts are exceptionally famous with jays, crows, chickadees, titmice, woodpeckers, and numerous different species, but at the same time are leaned toward by squirrels, bears, raccoons, and different creatures that ought not be sponsored. Like corn, peanuts have a high probability of holding onto aflatoxins, so should be kept evaporate and utilized decently fast.

Which Birds Eat Sunflower Seeds? | Types of Sunflower Seeds

Peanuts in the shell can be set out on stage feeders or right on a deck railing or window feeder as a unique treat for jays, in the event that they contact them before the squirrels do.

Assuming peanuts or combinations of peanuts and different seeds are presented in tube feeders, try to change the seed habitually, particularly during blustery or moist climate, totally discharging out and cleaning the cylinder without fail.

Milo Or Sorghum

Milo is a #1 with numerous Western ground-taking care of birds. On Cornell Lab of Ornithology seed inclination tests, Steller's Jays, Bend charged Thrashers, and Gambel's Quails favored milo to sunflower.

In another review, House Sparrows didn't eat milo, however cowbirds did. Milo ought to be dispersed on the ground or on low plate feeders. Quit offering it assuming you're financing cowbirds.

Golden Millet, Red Millet, Flax, And Others

These seeds are frequently utilized as fillers in bundled birdseed blends, however most birds disregard them. Squander seed turns into a favorable place for microorganisms and growth, tainting new seed all the more rapidly.

Bird Seed | BirdNote

Make a point to peruse the fixings list on birdseed combinations, keeping away from those with these seeds. Specifically, on the off chance that a seed blend has a ton of little, red seeds, ensure they're milo or sorghum, not red millet.

Rapeseed And Canary Seed

These two seed types don't offer a lot over the more inescapable seeds. A couple of birds truly do eat rapeseed, including quails, pigeons, finches, and juncos. On the off chance that you're not getting these, the rapeseed will be passed on to ruin.

Canary seed is extremely famous with House Sparrows and cowbirds — birds that many individuals would rather not draw in. Different species that eat canary seed are similarly content with sunflower, so this is a superior generally around decision.