In my dreams, Owen Wilson, Steve Martin, and Jack Black all have eBird profiles
Some truly fantastic eBird checklists
There are many reasons to love eBird. For a stat and graphics junkies like me, its organization and presentation of data is delightful. It does the dirty work of keeping your county/country/life/year lists. Some birders use eBird for increasingly than just submitting checklists and keeping life lists. It’s an indispensable planning tool. It’s a window to the birds of the world and what might could be if we were just worldly-wise to be in the right spot. You can find individual eBird hotspots in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador with lists of over 600 species (I haven’t plane seen 600 species in the unshortened United States!). You can find single checklists with well-over 100 species seen, and crippling, close-up photographs of unfathomable birds. Someday, we dream, we’ll get to visit these places and submit a checklist like that. There are the “Wish I Was There” checklists – of birders finding mega rarities, like this report of a Harpy Eagle in Costa Rica seen while looking for damselflies. Or maybe you’re the last person (in eBird at least) to have overly seen a particular species surpassing it presumably went extinct, like this 2018 report (with a photo!) of a Bahama Nuthatch.
But over the years, a few eBird checklists have unprotected my sustentation and stuck in my mind. Some of them are notable for their implausibility. These reports are not confirmed by the intrepid team of volunteer eBird reviewers, and are thus pretty ephemeral. But if you are paying attention, you can see some real gems from time to time. This one might be dubbed “the greatest 13 minutes of parrot/parakeet birding ever.”
While tent 4 miles in a mere 13 minutes, this birder claims to have seen scrutinizingly every possible L.A. county parrot and parakeet, including some species that are scrutinizingly never reported anymore. Not only that, he (at an stereotype speed of 18 miles per hour) was worldly-wise to tease out some very tough IDs that turn on subtle verisimilitude differences in crown feathers or a small patch of verisimilitude on the underside of the wing. And on top of that, he saw all these birds in a short span of time a full 2 hours surpassing sunset. As local birders know, during the day, the parrots and parakeets disperse over a wide zone to feed in small groups. It’s only at sunset when they gather in mixed visitor for their evening roost. (It’s an superstitious sight to see, by the way). But there’s increasingly – this report was in the middle of summer, when the parrots and parakeets are much increasingly sparse virtually the L.A. valley than they are in the winter. Expressly nice are the 10 parakeets he couldn’t distinguish b/t Mitred and Red-masked. Why plane scarecrow counting this unidentified birds (especially since you haven’t indicated counts for any of the other parrots or parakeets)?
But the icing on the confection for me are the 30 waddle pigeon and 3 ravens (exact counts this time) presumably there to requite the checklist a veneer of truth. “It’s not just a list of all the possible parrots and parakeets an out-of-towner might need for their life list” he’s trying to suggest, “it’s a legit checklist, because, look, I moreover reported some pigeons and ravens.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, there are other equally optimistic (i.e. fictional) submissions from this birder in eBird. Short story – don’t be this guy. No one cares well-nigh the length of your eBird life list. And scientists rely on the verism of eBird data to do real science and track bird populations. Checklists like this misconstrue what’s unquestionably out there. Bird honestly, report truthfully.
I moreover love checklists in the category of what might be tabbed “my first-ever-and-only eBird checklist, reporting a rare bird, accompanied by a afar blurry photo of a worldwide bird”. We have here a report of a rare fall, post-migration Tennessee Warbler in L.A. It includes no unravelment of the bird, or any comments well-nigh when and where it was seen. Instead, the location is “Los Angeles”, where the person was theoretically stationary for three hours. There’s a distant, out-of-focus shot of a Yellow-rumped Warbler tying to the report. I find these kinds of reports harmless, and much increasingly laudable than the intentional lies of the one above. What we have here is probably a new, enthusiastic, and optimistic birder.
But nothing, in my mind, can top this checklist. I can’t post an image of it here considering the checklist is far too long. Over the undertow of scrutinizingly 10 hours, up in Quebec, Canada, this birder had “the greatest birding day of my life.” And he’s not kidding. 726,383 individuals reported during an incredible day of migration. It boggles the mind to imagine seeing numbers like that. Among the uncanny sightings, 144,300 Bay-breasted Warblers, 108,200 Magnolia Warblers and 108,200 Cape May Warblers, 72,200 Yellow-rumped Warblers and 72,200 Tennessee Warblers, 50,500 American Redstarts, 28,900 Blackburnian Warblers, 14,440 Canada Warblers, and 1 Palm Warbler.
Someday I hope to have a legendary checklist like that one.
The post eBird Checklist Hall of Fame appeared first on Always Bring Binoculars.