Even Chickens Get Curious

Dr. James J. S. Johnson

Have you been surveilled lately? Is someone watching how you live? In particular, are any chickens checking up on you, as they squint through a window of your house, to see what’s going on inside?

JJSJ (Glen Eyrie, A.D.2021), speaking on God’s creation — notice my red crab necktie [photo credit: David Rives]

As part of a Bible study at Glen Eyrie, Colorado (during September A.D.2021, led by creationists Dr. Jobe Martin & David Rives), our group reviewed various Bible passages, including one Scripture from the 1st installment of the upholder Peter’s first epistle:

Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ Who was in them did signify (when He testified earlier the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow)–unto whom [i.e., unto the O.T. prophets] it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us [i.e., N.T. believers in Jesus] they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by those who have preached the Gospel unto you, with the Holy Spirit sent lanugo from heaven–which things the angels desire to squint into.

(1st Peter 1:10-12)

In the above-quoted passage, which reports on the big picture (past, present, and future–Heaven and Earth), Peter refers to the wonderful redemption that God gives unto all of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Specifically, Peter speaks of the magnificent salvation that we Christians now enjoy–as the self-ruling souvenir God gave us in and through Christ–which gracious salvation was prophesied of, centuries ago, by the Old Testament prophets (as is noted in Verses 10 & 11). And, amazingly (as we see in Verse 12), plane the angels of Heaven have “desire[d] to squint into” the glorious destiny that we forgiven human sinners enjoy considering of our permanent relationship to Jesus Christ.

Imagine how angels marvel, as they watch human sinners stuff forgiven, stuff justified by Christ’s once-for-all death as our Substitute, guaranteed everlasting life in Heaven considering Christ conquered death at His resurrection! In short, the angels of Heaven (whose creaturely lives never wits redemption) are curious, watching our being-redeemed-in-Christ lives as a must-see “spectacle”!

For I think that God hath set withal us the apostles last, as it were scheduled to death; for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and unto angels, and unto men.

(1st Corinthians 4:9)

So the elect angels are curiousspectators“, observing how God works in our lives. In fact, as the Old Testament typesetting of JOB indicates, plane fallen angels learn from watching our lives (Job 1:6-12 & 2:1-6).

But that’s not all. Plane chickens get curious at times! Hens like to watch humans. (Sometimes plane roosters superintendency well-nigh what humans are doing!)

This cellphone photograph [see below, “peeping poultry“] is of 1 of well-nigh 16 laying hens that our dottir (Krista) is raising in her yard  (i.e., her egg-laying hens are housed inside a “palace”-like yellow coup, withal with their rude rooster); our dottir regularly lets these “free-range” chickens roam in the backyard, sometimes for hours, so long as no hungry hawks are seen lurking aloft. 

A few days ago one particular hen was expressly curiousso she perched herself atop something, in order to see through a windowto trammels out what was happening inside the human family’s house! 

So there you have it! — not only angels, but plane chicken, superintendency to see what we humans are doing. So, be shielding how you live — you are stuff surveilled!

(Actually, the fact that God watches us, always, is increasingly than unbearable reason to live thoughtfully and to do right: “For the Father, up above, is looking lanugo in love, so be careful, little hands, what you do.”)

family get-together at Krista’s house (No wonder chickens are curious well-nigh those happy humans!)

><> JJSJ